I actually cant believe how fast this year is going, the months are just flying in. It's that time again where I review some of my favourite products from the last month. I have focused again on just beauty products but will defiantly be doing some of my fashion favs soon as the good weather and longer evenings have gotten me excited for all the new Spring/Summer trends.
So I am going to kick off my March favourites with an old reliable, Johnsons Baby Lotion. I have used this for years as an all over moisturiser and I just love it. I really love all of the Johnsons products, they feel great on my skin and smell gorgeous, this is aimed at parents to use on babies, but if it's good enough for babies, it's good enough for me! I also bought this bottle months ago and it has lasted me forever and it costs so little that I actually cant find any faults with it. If you know me, you will know I have super sensitive skin and take reactions to everything but I really feel the baby lotion sooths my skin and gives me that moisture that I need.

Another Johnsons products that I loved this month was my Face Care, Facial Cleansing wipes. I made a major error a few weeks ago - I was on my way to stay in my boyfriends house for the night and half way there I realised I had forgotten my face wipes to take off my make up, so I stopped in a petrol station to get some. Naturally enough they didn't have face wipes or any sort of cleanser so I grabbed a pack of baby wipes. They took off my make up alright, and I was thinking why was I spending more on a small pack of face wipes when I could get baby wipes instead...until a few days later my face started to break out and there was no controlling the shine on my skin. My Mum is always telling me not to use wipes and use cleansers and toners instead but wipes are just so handy and quick that I use them more often than doing a full cleansing routine. I normally go for the Johnsons wipes as again they suit my sensitive skin so i got these nice ones which are aimed at soothing the skin before bed. They are really soft and don't have any alcohol smell at all so they are really gentle on my skin, weather you love or hate face wipes I really love using these.

I actually think I am addicted to painting my nails and recently there has been a pastel craze going on in the fashion and beauty world so I picked some of my favourite pastel shades which look really good on, and suit all skin tones as well as matching well with all your spring fashions. I love love love Barry M nail polishes so its probably no surprise two of them feature here. The first is Peach Melba, and the second is Berry which is a cute lilac shade that looks fab on. I recently bought some MUA products so I picked up one of the polishes from their Loveheart range, I got U&I which is a gorgeous lemon shade, I tired this out in the shop and it covered my nail polish that I was wearing on the day so you only need one or two coats which is great. I love the pink shade of the Angelica polish, it can be found in most Pennys/Primarks, this needs more than two coats which can be a bit time consuming but the shade is adorable so it's worth the wait. The last polish is my Avon Nailwear Pro in Vintage Blue, I actually wore this a lot in Winter as it has an icey look to it, but it looks great all year round. Again the coverage is great with this and it lasts long which is another bonus.

I found myself wearing a lot of lipstick this month, I don't normally wear it during the day but I felt like jazzing up my make up look and to keep my lipstick in place I absolutely love Rimmel Lipstick Lock. I first bought this a few years ago when I was going to a wedding and didn't fancy topping up my lipstick every few minutes, I actually don't think I touched it once with this baby. I actually cant praise this highly enough, all you do is apply your lipstick like normal then paint on a layer of this and bobs your uncle. It has a really strong alcohol smell so it might seem a bit scary at first, but trust me you will love it and also save a fortune on lipsticks. It is a clear liquid but mine has gone a pinky red colour from using it, but it still works fine. I cant remember the exact price but I know I did not pay any more than a fiver for this. It's one of my make up bag must haves.

Like most ladies I love anything that sparkles but I am often a bit nervous when it comes to glittery make up, it can be really messy or often end up looking a bit childish. I had bought Mac glitter pots which looked great in the pot but were a nightmare to put it, so I gave up trying to use them. NYX is a really cool brand but can be hard to find, so when I saw this little glitter eye palette in River Island I snapped it up. As the colours are compressed they go on so much better than a loose glitter and look amazing over eyeshadow. I have only tried these out once and I am looking forward to my next night out to wear another shade.

I was recently sent some gorgeous products and one of them was the Oil Organic body and hair oil. As you may know I love the Tan Organic tan as it smells great, goes on so easily and looks natural. I have been using it for a while and again with my crazy skin it works so well and doesn't leave me looking patchy. So when I received the Oil Organic I was dying to try it out. I actually have really oily skin as it is so I wasn't sure if this was going to work well on me. I tired it first after I had a soak in the bath and had no tan on, it really absorbed into my skin and again it also had a pleasant smell which was good. I then tried it two days after I had done my tan as it is meant to prolong your tan, and I have to say it did just that. I put a little layer on before bed and found my tan wasn't coming off in the usual scale like way, it evened out my skin tone and actually hydrated my skin nicely. I probably wouldn't use it on my face as it just emphasised the shininess but that's probably more to do with my skin tone and not the product. I actually would never have bought a body oil for myself but I really liked this. I haven't tried it on my hair yet but I will keep you posted on how I get on when I do.

I had long hair for many years and decided to cut it into a bob about a year ago, I really love my short hair but I like to try out new styles so I bought a few pieces from Hairspray, one of which is the Jessica Simpson 15" Hair Do clip in. I was thinking of growing my hair to my shoulders so in the interim where my hair is not really a bob and not quite shoulder length I like to clip this in. I actually got so many comments on it, everyone seems to love it. It looks really natural and came in tons of shades so I got one that matched my hair perfectly. The pictures on the box actually show that it is for people with longer hair who want to try out short hair so again if your considering the chop you could try this out first. This cost me E20, which is a bargain for extensions. It comes in straight or wavy, so i got the wavy. Defiantly a great purchase, I have been wearing it every where.

My final product isn't so much a beauty product...it's a candle. If you are a subscriber of Glossybox.co.uk you will be familiar with the brand Rituals. I wish you had scracth and sniff screens so you could smell this candle, it's so good. They do a range of bath and shower products, massage oils and scrubs etc, so the shop smells like heaven. This candle is Sweet Sunrise which is a mix of cedar wood and orange flower. It kind of reminds me of the smell in an Abercrombie store, random I know, but it smells fresh yet relaxing and I love to light it when I am just chilling out in my room. I don't want it to run out.
So there you have a run down on some of my favourites, I was going to say at the end I have been loving the great weather but since yesterday it has turned on its head and is freezing cold. It's crazy how quick it can change, hopefully it will change back just as fast.
If there have been any products you have been loving lately let me know as I love to hear from you, and I will be back soon with some more posts.
Sinead x
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